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Three (3) Years

Progress requirements

The total number of credits to be taken by the student in any of the two semesters should not exceed the maximum UB requirement which is 36 credits per semester.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate a student must earn a minimum of 240 credits in all courses. This includes the 18 credits for University wide courses which are taken by all students of the University of RHIa.

Our Legal Careers offer trains lawyers open to management and business professions. The training, provided by a multidisciplinary team, closely combines fundamental and practical lessons, in order to develop students’ critical analysis skills and their adaptability to different jobs in administrations, companies, associations and financial institutions. The training is both theoretical and professional.

Why study Legal Career ?

Work environment: You will have the opportunity to work with the best technological tools and a teaching system based on the Competency-Based Learning.

International mobility program

Certifications : TOEIC, TOEFL.

Skills to acquired:

Training in Legal Careers (LC) revolves around 4 skills:

  • Organizing: Plan, prepare, distribute the tasks and activities to be accomplished in different types of professional situations.
  •  Advising: Inform, assist, and advise clients, employees, and users on legal, accounting, financial and organizational issues.
  • Securing: Respect and apply the rules of professional conduct and ethics and protect information and data systems
  • Writing: Write deeds, legal, accounting, financial and organizational documents.

Employment Opportunities

The courses give access to a variety of professions:

  • Company and association: company lawyer, accounting expert, human resources assistant
  • Administration and justice: clerk, police or gendarmerie personnel, prison adviser, territorial attaché, etc.
  • Heritage and finance: real estate agent, co-ownership trustee, insurance broker, notarial collaborator…
Dossier de candidature
  • Une inscription en ligne à faire sur le site
  • Une photocopie certifiée de l’Acte de naissance datant de moins de 06 mois
  • Une photocopie certifiée du diplôme donnant droit au concours d’entrée (BAC, GCE/AL, ou tout Diplôme équivalent)
  • Bulletin scolaire des deux dernières classes
  • 02 photos d’identité 4X4 en couleur
  • Une enveloppe A4 timbrée  portant l’adresse du candidat
  •  Un reçu de versement des frais de concours
Application form
  • Online registration on the website
  • Certified photocopy of birth certificate less than 06 months old
  • A certified photocopy of the diploma entitling you to sit the entrance exam (BAC, GCE/AL, or equivalent diploma)
    School report for the last two grades
  • 02 4X4 color passport photos
  • A stamped A4 envelope bearing the candidate's address
  • Receipt for payment of competition fees