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Bachelor of Science (BSc)

We didn't just put a coat of paint on the old programs. We have completely changed the approach to writing programs. Our starting point was the definition of the skills to be acquired throughout the curriculum, including the professionalization aspect.


BSc Information Systems and Software Engineering

Learn to how to become a software engineer as you develop reliable, complex and secure software systems. From mobile banking apps to aircraft autopilot controls, you’ll learn how to analyse software needs, then design, test and build a system that meets them.

On this BEng Software Engineering degree you’ll combine hands-on software development with a core knowledge of software engineering, which will allow you to write good software and give you the necessary engineering skills to meet system requirements, including:

  • Reliability;
  • Maintainability;
  • Usability;
  • Cost-effectiveness.
BSc Computer Graphics & Web Design

Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software development. Web design used to be focused on designing websites for desktop browsers; however, since the mid-2010s, design for mobile and tablet browsers has become ever-increasingly important.

BSc Industrial Computing & Automation

This specialty trains senior technicians who, under the guidance of a project manager,
studies, develops and implements all or part of an automation application relating to the
creation, improvement or renovation of industrial facilities or equipment that are of
supervision or control-command type.

Automatic control is everywhere, usually embedded in devices and applications, therefore it is very obvious when a failure occurs. Good design whether it is the flight control system of an aircraft, the production control system in a tile plant, the stabilisation of a vehicle in adverse conditions or the monitoring system of a robotic surgical assistant, to name a few representative applications – provides operational safety, high dynamic and static performance and, ultimately, an overall benefit from a variety of perspectives: energy savings, sustainable development, reduced pollution, safety, etc.


BSc Building Construction

You gain a strong foundation in key building services concepts and develop practical skills in designing smart and sustainable building services with emphasis on low carbon emissions, including digital information management, renewable energy, control and intelligent building technology.

You also develop broader skills in management, working in teams, planning and communication.

BSc Public Works

The Bachelor of Technology program in Public Works  aims at providing a strong foundation in theoretical, practical and design aspects of the Specialty. The curriculum covers areas of Public Works Engineering and SURVEYS under the broad categories of Civil Engineering Technology.

BSc Urban Planning

The program is multi-disciplinary, and its subjects range from local to regional planning. Students will learn how to design urban spaces, manage resources and balance economic and social interests, and implement plans and policies. The curriculum will also teach you how to develop innovative planning practices that take account of competing for social, environmental, political, and legal aspects of urban development. 


BSc Electronic

This course gives students in-depth knowledge in electrical machines, power systems, renewable energy, power electronics, electrical energy converters and electrical/environmental services in buildings with essential mathematical skills to develop both theoretical and practical skills in the wide sector of electrical power industry.

This course will lead the graduate to work in companies/industries as Engineers or Entrepreneurs.


BSc Telecommunications

The BSc Telecommunications Engineering programme will offer you a thorough foundation in telecommunications. You will gain knowledge of design, implementation, testing and industrial applications in the modern field of telecommunications, as well as learn to operate at the cutting-edge of emerging technologies.

 By the time you graduate from the BSc Telecommunications Engineering, you will have: extensive experience in the application of modelling and analytical methods; the ability to use IT tools and computer-aided design systems for modelling, analysis, simulation and design; the ability to recognise the limitations of principles, models, analyses and methodologies; AND the skills to design a system, component or process based on initial requirements and constraints.

BSc Network and Security

Fascinated by cyber security in today’s society? It’s a key concern for modern organisations in our digital world. Secure communication technologies form the bedrock of our modern connected mobile society and our BSc  Networks and Security degree course focuses on the practical needs of businesses that require high quality computer and network security, ensuring you’re equipped for a career in this increasingly important industry.