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Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Degree Programs

We didn't just put a coat of paint on the old programs. We have completely changed the approach to writing programs. Our starting point was the definition of the skills to be acquired throughout the curriculum, including the professionalization aspect.


BEng Software Engineering

Learn to how to become a software engineer as you develop reliable, complex and secure software systems. From mobile banking apps to aircraft autopilot controls, you’ll learn how to analyse software needs, then design, test and build a system that meets them.

On this BEng Software Engineering degree you’ll combine hands-on software development with a core knowledge of software engineering, which will allow you to write good software and give you the necessary engineering skills to meet system requirements, including:

  • Reliability;
  • Maintainability;
  • Usability;
  • Cost-effectiveness.
BEng Networks Engineering

Computer networks form the backbone of the information world, from personal mobile devices to social media and large scale corporate data services.

With this growing trend there is a high demand for accomplished engineers who can design, develop and maintain networked hardware and software.

This course focuses on key aspects of networks, computer systems and application development which will extend to database systems and human-computer interaction.

You will gain academic knowledge in areas of computer systems with the possibility to broaden your skills through a year long work placement.

BEng Telecommunications Engineering

The BEng Telecommunications Engineering programme will offer you a thorough foundation in telecommunications. You will gain knowledge of design, implementation, testing and industrial applications in the modern field of telecommunications, as well as learn to operate at the cutting-edge of emerging technologies.

 By the time you graduate from the BEng Telecommunications Engineering, you will have: extensive experience in the application of modelling and analytical methods; the ability to use IT tools and computer-aided design systems for modelling, analysis, simulation and design; the ability to recognise the limitations of principles, models, analyses and methodologies; AND the skills to design a system, component or process based on initial requirements and constraints.


BEng Civil Engineering Design

Civil engineers design, build and operate the physical infrastructure that we often take for granted; from bridges and buildings to water treatment and waste management systems.

Civil engineering involves:

  • creatively applying your physics and mathematics knowledge to deliver unique solutions to complex problems
  • selecting and using the appropriate engineering and computational tools to ensure safe and sustainable solutions


BEng Mechanical Design Engineering

Become an incorporated engineer, faster. Our Mechanical Engineering Design degree combines practical, hands-on learning with the essential theories for working in this industry. Then practice your new skills through our extra-curricular activities and specialist facilities.

You’ll learn how to become an inventive problem-solver. After reviewing a product, you’ll consider how to improve it and test your ideas using industry-standard software. Tools you’ll use include computer-aided design (CAD) and stress and analysis packages.

BEng Process Engineering

Our work may be complex, but it can be easily explained. So what do graduates of Machine and Process Control do? It is behind the automation of production across a range of industries. Most automated lines can be found in the food industry.


BEng Renewable Energy Engineering

On this Renewable Energy Engineering degree, you’ll study a branch of engineering that focuses on powering the world sustainably. From energy conversion and storage technology, to low carbon heating systems, electrical circuit analysis and large network grids, you’ll develop the engineering skills and technical knowledge you need to design, assess and improve electrical, renewable and alternative energy systems that benefit the climate and society.

BEng Power Systems And Control Engineering

This course gives students in-depth knowledge in electrical machines, power systems, renewable energy, power electronics, electrical energy converters and electrical/environmental services in buildings with essential mathematical skills to develop both theoretical and practical skills in the wide sector of electrical power industry.

This course will lead the graduate to work in companies/industries as Engineers or Entrepreneurs.