Electrical engineers are at the forefront of the challenges to connect our world, to design more efficient and affordable technology, to help us live healthily and sustainably.
You’ll choose a route that fits your developing interests and career plans, with modules led by our research strengths, and projects and coursework drawn from our latest research, focused on inspiring and supporting tomorrow’s industry-ready, creative engineers.
Electrical Engineering students and Electronic and Information Engineering students share a common first year so you can explore the two subjects before making your choice of stream. Labs and problem-solving classes are designed to equip you with a solid theoretical base and practical hardware and software engineering skills.
Work environment: You will have the opportunity to work with the best technological tools and a teaching system based on the Competency-Based Learning.
International mobility program.
Certifications : TOEIC, TOEFL.
Skills to acquired:
The program develops students’ skills in performing and designing experimental projects and communicating their findings to the scientific community effectively. It also prepares them for careers in government agencies, the corporate sector, or for future study in graduate or professional schools
Graduates will acquire several skills, some of which include the capacity to:
Electrical and Electronic Engineer are employed in a wide range of industries, including:
This list is not exhaustive.
Job creation possibilities of graduands
Electrical Engineers can create: